Better Carry Weight and Encumbrance
With this mod base Carry Weight will be x2 or x100 bigger. Points invested in Might will still add +10% to it. Instead of 120 + 12/point, you will get 240 + 24/point or 12000 + 1200/point.
Also 2 encumbrance convenience versions available:
– Mod removes penalty to walking/jogging when encumbered.
– Mod allows slow sprint (x1.2 of jog speed) when encumbered.
You can mix carry weight version and one of encumbrance versions.
Unzip archive content to game folder. If you did everything right, you will get 3 000_BetterEncumbrance_P or/and 000_MoreCarryWeight_P files in Alabama/Content/Paks/~mods.
Remove 000_BetterEncumbrance_P or/and 000_MoreCarryWeight_P files from ~Mods.
Should be compatible with anything.
Doesn’t break achievements.
When using with Better Attributes, Better Carry Weight will win changes to Might (x2 carry weight, vanilla damage bonus vs. 1.5x carry weight, x1.2 damage growth). If you want Better Attributes to win, rename its files from 000_… to anything alpabetically lower, like ZZZ_…