Respawn Restored

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Respawn Restored

Respawn Restored

This mod restores creatures respawn. Customizable in game.ini file, feel free to change value of EncounterRespawnSettings[1] to what you prefer. 1920 in default mod version is a few days, setting like 10-20 should respawn creatures right after teleporting away.

Please, mind, its was probably disabled in vanilla for a reason. Inconsistencies and issues are possible. Use on your own risk.

Unzip archive and, optionally, edit game.ini to your liking. Copy game.ini to your …user/Appdata/Local/Alabama/Saved/Config/Windows/ folder, confirm overwriting.

Game will restore game.ini with altered settings. To revert back to vanilla change specific value in game.ini.

Should be compatible with anything, that doesn’t edit game.ini.

Doesn’t break achievements.

To make it compatible with other game.ini mods, merge all entries in game.ini for every category.

Author: Caites
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