Better Colors Lite
My personal reshade preset. The goal of this reshade preset was to create a performance-friendly preset which improved the color accuracy of the game’s visuals. No more annoying “haze”, better contrast, slightly more vibrant colors, and a modest LUT to improve the coloring.
– Install reshade from https://reshade.me
– Extract contents into steamapps/common/Avowed/Alabama/Binaries/Win64
– Press Home and select the preset from the dropdown.
Xbox Game Pass:
– Install Reshade to the Avowed launcher, not the game exe as windows will prevent you from attaching to the game exe
– Download the preset .ini file and place it anywhere, but generally it’s going to go in in the WinGDK folder for Avowed. In my case it is: \Avowed\Content\Alabama\Binaries\WinGDK
– Press HOME on the keyboard to bring up reshade. Navigate to the directory above (or wherever you placed yours) and select BetterColorsLite.ini